Neil Rhoades, Road Superintendent, received a call reporting a window salesman going door to door in Concord township. This is in violation of the new No Solicitation Policy that went into effect on February 1, 2014 for unincorporated Concord Township. The home owner informed the salesperson of the policy and the salesperson moved on. The home owner did not notify the police. Persons in violation of the policy could be cited for a minor misdemeanor. The township will send a letter to the Schwan's Food Delivery Company regarding the new policy to ensure that they are aware of the policy and adhere to the guidelines.
The Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) has changed the guidelines for passive railroad crossings to a guideline that requires a stop sign rather than the previous yield sign. In addition, ODOT has made provisions to appeal. The only railroad crossing in the township that this effects is the Lytle Road Railroad crossing. However, trains rarely use this section of the track and it is usually between two and four in the morning. The county engineer, Paul Huelskamp, the trustees, and the road supervisor evaluated the site and agree that keeping a yield sign at the crossing is the safer option. When traveling west to east on Lytle, there is a dip in the road that makes a stop sign potentially more dangerous. The trustees will respond to ODOT with their evaluation. Don Pence complimented Mr. Rhoades on his departments' work, he said, "I can't go anywhere without getting a compliment on the condition of our township roads."
The Road Department has purchased a new mower in anticipation of spring and summer roadwork.
The trustees passed an amendment to the 2013 Edition of the Personnel Policies and Procedures Manual to address two areas of concern for part-time employees concerning holiday pay and insurance compensation. The township only employs one regular part-time employee; however, that employee works more than nine months a year.
Bill Whidden will represent the township at the joint meeting of the Miami County Township Association and the Annual District Advisory Council on March 13, 2014.
The Ohio Township Association of Risk Management Authority will dispense a capital distribution on the renewal anniversary date for the township. The total distribution statewide will be $1,000,000. Concord township trustees hope to receive a portion of the disbursement.
Miami Conservancy District has invited the trustees to the 7th Annual River Summit on March 14, 2014 at the University of Dayton. The River Summit connects cities, farmland, communities, and individuals, to develop a strategy that preserves the Great Miami and Mad Rivers and the drainage areas they serve.
In addition, Stacy Wall introduced herself to the trustees; she is on the primary ballot running for Common Pleas Court Judge, She currently is the Law Director and Prosecutor in the Piqua Courts. She has seven years of experience with the Piqua Courts and has worked with municipal governments throughout her career.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for March 18, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. The April meetings will be moved to the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month, April 8 and 22, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.