At the June 21, 2016 meeting of the Concord Township Trustees, Township Resident Cindy Schaeffer spoke to the trustees asking their support in opposing the proposed limestone surface mining operation at the corner of Experiment Farm Road and Farrington Road. According to Schaeffer, The Pit is detrimental to Miami County for several reasons. First, the proposed location is only 1000 yards from the Upper Valley Medical Center." In addition, she argued that it would change the economic development of the region, increase traffic and cause damage to the roads because of the heavy vehicles used to haul the limestone. Furthermore, Schaeffer said that the operation would erode property values, reduce agriculture production, and create environmental hazards. She asked the trustees to oppose the operation by contacting the Zoning Appeals Board and expressing their disapproval of the project.

In regular business, Road Superintendent Neil Rhodes reported that the pavement work on the curve on Barnhart Road was completed on June 8, 2016. He also said that the culvert replacement on Forest Hill is finished. He added, "The pavement has already been patched. The road was closed for about 2 1/2 days; however, we think that this will solve the flooding problems in the area."

Rhoades also reported that the summer workers have almost completed cleaning out all of the catch basins. Trustee Don Pence commended Rhoades, "The machine you invented to facilitate cleaning out the catch basins is great."

In addition, Rhoades reported that the township received bids from the Engineers' office to pave Forest Hill and Rockingham. He said, "The estimates were within $1400 of the projected costs."

In old business, the trustees approved a resolution to adopt the 2017 Tax Budget.

In addition, Trustee Bill Whidden reported that township representatives and the fire department have met and discussed the new Fire/EMS contract; however, no resolutions have been reached. He said, "Each participant needs to do more research in the areas under discussion before a final contract can be negotiated."

Whidden also reported that a resident complained about weeds and tall grass at 2555 S County Road 25A. The property is vacant. Whidden said, "Rhoades has contacted the realtor who promised to get someone to mow it." Whidden agreed to monitor the situation to make sure that the realtor follows up on the request. If not, the township will mow the property and bill the property owner for the expense.

In new business, the trustees passed a resolution to amend the 2016 permanent appropriations for the General Fund, the Fire and EMS Fund and the Sign Fund to reflect the actual expenses charged to those accounts.

The next meeting of the Concord Township Trustees is scheduled for July 5, 2016 at 10:00 a.m. in the township building.