At the November 21, 2016 meeting of the Staunton Township Trustees, Ohio Township Association Risk Management Authority representative Kelly Austin met with township representatives to establish driving records for township employees. Although none of the current employees have any records of driver incidents, Austin encouraged the township to institute policies of action if any incidents should occur.
In other actions, the trustees agreed to install first aid kits and to investigate the installation of backup warnings for all township vehicles.
For the current roadwork projects, the painting has been completed on Polecat Rd. at the cost of $350 for painting the lines. In addition, the crack seal project was less than the township expected. It was bid at $4900; however, the final bill was for $3740.
The next meeting of the Staunton township Trustees is scheduled for December 5, 2016 at the township building at 7:00 p.m.